
Welcome to the Social Cognitive Neuroscience Lab (SCN-LAB) manual. This manual was written by the coordinators of the lab and it is meant to offer our view of how we envision the unit should function. We hope your time at the lab allows you to learn and have fun but also to develop scientific curiosity in the field of psychology and neuroscience. Upon joining the lab, all lab members are required to read the lab manual.

This lab manual was inspired by several others and borrows heavily from them (e.g., this one, this one, and this one). It’s also a work in progress. If you have ideas about things to add, or what to clarify, talk to any of the PIs or lab managers.

We assume the lab manual is accurate. This means that you should follow all of the policies and protocols contained in the manual. If you notice something that seems to be wrong, please let us know. If there is something in the lab manual that you notice people aren’t doing, please bring this up to your PI or the lab coordinator — don’t assume this is okay (it’s not).

Last updated