Data Management

Our data, stim, and so on are our most valuable products! As such, we have a carefully designed system for ensuring that we never lose anything, while also making sure that each file we use is version-controlled and redundantly backed up.

In general, data should be stored in at least two places:

  1. Lab folder on a secure departmental or group server.

  2. SCNL SharePoint: Your experiment will have a folder designated to upload the files recorded in the experiment.

Please consult the IRB protocol corresponding to your study to confirm where you should be storing data (noting that different protocols have different restrictions with respect to behavioral data, for historical reasons). These locations are all backed up regularly, which makes them particularly appealing options for data storage. In general, you should not store data locally on your computer unless it is approved to be synced with your SCNL SharePoint (de-identified data only).

Last updated