I want to use the lab but how?


While the lab infrastructure is open to researchers from various backgrounds, we have established certain requirements to ensure the highest standards of research quality, safety usage, and adherence to safe research practice protocols.

Before utilizing our facilities, we kindly ask you to familiarize yourself with the following requirements to ensure a smooth and efficient experience:

  1. Research Affiliation: To access our lab infrastructure, you must be affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Barcelona. This includes faculty members, researchers, graduate students, and any other individuals who have obtained the necessary authorization.

  2. Project Presentation: In order to utilize the lab infrastructure, it is mandatory for researchers to present their project during the designated project presentation session of the lab. This session provides an opportunity for researchers to share their research objectives, methodologies, and anticipated outcomes with the lab community. It encourages collaboration, and feedback, and enhances the overall knowledge-sharing environment within the lab.

  3. Training and Orientation: Before using the lab infrastructure, all users must either have sufficient experience with the equipment they plan to use or complete appropriate training and orientation sessions. These sessions cover lab safety protocols, equipment usage guidelines, emergency procedures, and any specific instructions for the facility you intend to use. Training ensures the safety of all users and promotes responsible usage of the equipment.

  4. Ethics and Compliance: It is crucial to conduct research ethically and in compliance with all relevant regulations and guidelines. Researchers using the lab infrastructure are expected to obtain the necessary ethical approvals and adhere to the established ethical standards of their respective fields. This includes protecting participants' rights, maintaining data privacy and confidentiality, and following other applicable research ethics requirements.

  5. Material and Consumables (Funding): While the lab infrastructure is available for use, it is essential that researchers provide their own materials and consumables required for their experiments. This includes any specialized equipment, research instruments, chemicals, reagents, and any other resources specific to your research needs. By bringing your own supplies, you ensure you have the resources readily available to conduct your experiments efficiently.

Last updated