
The lab facilities will be available for conducting experiments and collecting data. We believe that this shared space will promote interdisciplinary interactions and provide an environment conducive to groundbreaking discoveries and innovation.

However, it is important to note that while the lab infrastructure is accessible to all researchers, it is expected that each research group brings its own materials and consumables required for their experiments and investigations. This includes but is not limited to specialized equipment, research instruments, data collection tools, and other resources specific to your research needs.

By adhering to this practice, we can ensure fair usage and efficient allocation of resources while maintaining a sustainable framework for continued research endeavors. Additionally, this approach encourages autonomy and responsibility within individual research groups, allowing them to tailor their experiments to their specific requirements.

Please note that all lab users are expected to follow the established lab protocols, adhere to ethical guidelines, and maintain a clean and organized workspace. The lab infrastructure is a shared resource, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure its proper usage and upkeep.

Last updated